November 20

Apparently Caleb needs to play with other kids more.

Today, Sara brought Cooper and Carter over for a pancake party. The boys had so much eating pancakes and playing! See?

(Yes, it was lovely enough outside that the boys were able to play on the patio with no jackets!)

Coop was so smiley and cheerful! Isn't he a cutie?

Caleb was clearly thinking, "Maaaaa.... put the camera away! I'm trying to play with my friend!"

Sara also brought over her new baby - a big, lovely lens that I tried desperately not to drool on. She got some really cute pictures of the boys, but now Blogger is being lame and won't let me post them.

So. Fun, fun, fun.

Until naptime.

Sara and her boys and her lens left at 10, which is Caleb's normal naptime. But he must have been so excited from all of the testosterone and all of the fun that he didn't sleep. We tried for an hour - nothing. We played more, and I finally got him to sleep at 1 - for 45 minutes.  It was a challenging day, but I'm learning that if I stress over the naps, it makes everything worse. If it's not bothering him to be awake, it shouldn't bother me. So I'm getting over it.

Later, we played with trash. Because what baby needs toys, when he has trash?

Someone discovered that the squishy toy balls fit perfectly in the end of the paper towel tube.
I discovered that the apparatus could be used as a blowdart.

Fun was had by all!

And now that tired boy has been asleep for nearly 3 hours. Hopefully tomorrow is better!

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