May 16

Things Caleb loves right now:

Biting Chris' nose. He does this pretty much every night at bedtime lately. After he eats, he tries to "kiss" Chris, but he ends up gnawing on Chris' nose. We're pretty sure he's working on 2 teeth right now.  Could you guess?

The vacuum cleaner. He will scoot out of his room, into the hallway and delightedly pat the vacuum and roll it back and forth. He even likes it when it's on; the noise doesn't scare him! I plan to teach him to use it as soon as he can walk.

Running water. It could be a fountain, it could be the faucet, it could be someone pouring water in the bathtub, it could be water streaming out of a rain gutter. The kid loves it!

Something I love right now?
Caleb's pruney feet after a bath.

1 comment:

  1. OH SO SWEET! Great Aunt Mag loves those little feet.:))
