January 3

Poor Eli is miserable. He has the worst cold, and he is clearly suffering. Last night he slept in his crib from 8:30 to 11:30, and then he was awake, fussing and crying, from 11:30 until 2:50, when Chris finally got up with him and held him in the recliner in his room. They sat that way for two hours, and when Chris brought Eli back to our bed, he fussed for another hour.

Kid is miserable.

Lily is pretty sick, too, so I stayed home with the little two while Chris took the older two to church and Costco. When they got home, I ran to Target, and I got home just as my mom arrived to watch the kids so that Chris and I could go out to our rental house. Our current tenants are purchasing a home, so we went out to inspect the house and show it to a prospective new tenant.

We got home to find Mom struggling to keep Eli happy because he would only nap when he was being held, and then just barely. Have I mentioned he's miserable?
We were able to temporarily distract him with cars, or balls, or Caleb's antics, but eventually he remembered that he was miserable and began crying again.

Caleb was outside, playing his current favorite game: Ice Harvesting. Eli thought it was awesome.

Then he remembered he was sick.

Look at that face. It's puffy, his eyes are red and goopy, his nose is snotty... I'd be crying, too.

But then Caleb smashed a big chunk of ice, and Eli was distracted again. 

I'm praying he gets a good night's sleep; Chris goes back to work in the morning!

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