June 10

Today was the last day of VBS. Lily has been so sad all week because she isn't old enough to attend, so today we stuck around so that she could watch the "opening ceremonies". 

She peered over the railing, danced in the aisles, and had the very best time.

Maybe next year, Lily!

Then we met my friend Amber and her boys at the lake for a little bit of digging in the sand.

It was super hot outside, but on the beach it was breezy and comfortable.

However, we quickly determined that our little ones can only handle about an hour of beach play before they completely lose it. Still, it was a very fun hour!

Then we picked the big kids up. To celebrate the last day of VBS, I did something totally out of character - I took them to a frozen custard shop across the street to have ice cream for lunch!
Caleb was incredulous. He asked, "Mommy, are we going to have ice cream for lunch, or ice cream with lunch?"
When I clarified that our only lunch would be ice cream, he was dumbstruck.

And those are four happy, sticky children. (Yes, I let Lily order a banana split as big as her head. No, she didn't eat all of it.)

On the drive home, Daisy said, "Mommy, my belly hurts. I think I ate too much ice cream! Tomorrow, I am going to eat FIVE CARROTS."

Then I made everyone take naps to compensate for the late night we had at the circus last night. Caleb and Daisy don't get to nap together in their shared bedroom, because they would just talk instead of napping. Today, Caleb slept in his bed and Daisy slept in mine.

I went in to check to see if she was actually sleeping, and found this: 
Uh, where's Daisy?

Oh, there she is!

The funny girl was sound asleep!

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