November 11

Happy Veterans Day!
It's funny; growing up, I never gave this day much thought. As the years have gone by, though, this day has become more and more meaningful to me. Perhaps it has something to do with 9/11? Or the increasing number of articles I've seen about soldiers who return from their tour of duty with post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury? Whatever the reason, I am now very thankful to celebrate a day dedicated to thanking the soldiers who serve and have served our country. Of course, it doesn't hurt things that Chris - being a banker - always has the day off work. But mostly I'm thankful for our veterans. A day off just sweetens the deal.

Now that Caleb is a Tiger Scout, he has all kinds of Boy Scout things to do. Today, there was a flag ceremony at his school. We decided to attend as a family, and go out to eat beforehand. Since Eli has consistently been waking up at 6:30 and earlier each morning, it would be no big deal to plan to go out to breakfast at 7 am.

You know where this is going, don't you?

When it was time to leave at 7:00, Eli was still sleeping. 
Of course he was. 
At 7:05, he was still sleeping, and we really needed to leave.
I got dressed, making sure to close the dresser drawers loudly.
 I noisily opened the curtains.
I gently rubbed his back.

Finally, I had to pick the poor child up. He was so soundly asleep, and so confused. Poor baby.

We enjoyed a family breakfast out, and then went to Caleb's school. I missed most of the flag ceremony because I was changing Lily's poopy diaper in the van, on the side of the road, as traffic whizzed by me. 

I arrived in time to snap this picture, though:

Caleb is right in the middle, with red sleeves under his Boy Scout shirt. In fact, you can't see his hands below his sleeves because the shirt is a size or two too big, but he insisted on wearing it because it was red and blue, and he was supposed to dress in patriotic colors today. 
Plus, it was a Superman shirt, and as he informed me, our veterans are heroes, just like Superman.
Smart kid.

After the (very short) ceremony, we had about 15 minutes to kill before we could drop Caleb off in his classroom. The girls had never been to his school before, so Caleb showed them the cafeteria and the library, and eventually his classroom. They were impressed. He introduced his sisters to his teacher, and then we went home. It was nice having Chris home on a Wednesday, with nothing on our agenda!

While Chris ran an errand, this happened. It was  nap time for Daisy, but she didn't want to go. Finally, she conceded: she would go take a nap if she could ride on my back to her room. 
I'm no fool. I took that deal before she could change her mind. 
She was so happy. Look at that face!

And then, while I was making dinner, something marvelous happened:
My lens returned to me! 
It is finally repaired and back in my hands, and I am so thankful. A friend loaned me a lens last week, and I used it for a photo shoot this weekend. The results of that shoot were definitely not up to my standards. I just finished editing the session, and I had to spend a lot of time in Photoshop, trying to make the images frame-worthy. I also had to discard more images than I normally would, just because the image quality was not up to snuff. Since I have three photo shoots scheduled this weekend, and two more next weekend, I was very thankful to have my faithful old lens back!

Best of all? 
The lens feels like it's brand-new now. They repaired all of the damage and cleaned it, to boot! I mailed it off last Monday, authorized the repairs on Wednesday, and had it in my hands the next Wednesday. Not bad, I say. 

Eli was only mildly impressed. It's like he knew the lighting was bad, so he just didn't care.
Sheesh. Our new floors are super reflective. I turned the flash on for this one, and the reflection off the floors creates what look like sun rays behind Eli!

He likes cars now.
He also likes watching kids play soccer.
Funny, isn't it, how boys are boys, even at 9 months old?

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