May 16

We had some extra time after dinner tonight (that's what happens when I have dinner ready on time, and the kids don't take five years to eat!), so we took a family walk to our neighborhood playground.

We had so much fun!

Goodness. These children kill me with their adorableness. I mean, I know I'm partial, but still...

his Superman pose? Too funny!
(I found him a short-sleeved shirt with cape at Target yesterday, and the boy couldn't be happier. I asked him today if his superhero needs have been fulfilled, but he told me that he'd like a long-sleeved Spiderman shirt and mask, like Peter Parker has. So basically, he wants a real Spiderman costume. Maybe I'll wait for Halloween for that one...)

Joyful children = full heart for mama.


They're even happier when Daddy plays with them, because he's so good at playing.

Caleb's favorite thing is to swing back and forth on this bar before he goes down the slide.

Daisy even tried a bit of climbing!

The kids thought this was hilarious.

I know she's giving him a skeptical look, but just moments before she was nestling into his hug as if she hadn't seen him in years.

And then they all raced home, leaving me, the BOB, and my camera in the dust.

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